CourierSoft (CS)

About CourierSoft


CourierSoft provides a total solution to courier companies who provide same-day, overnight, international courier services and also who work with third party carriers. CourierSoft offers CS Enterprise for standard courier operations, CS Franchise for franchisor/franchisee setup, CS NonTouch for Parcel and Carrier Management operations, CS eCom for courier e-commerce business.

Couriersoft provide web based application which include job booking, quotation, bar code label printing, PODs, tracking and management reports. CourierSoft comes with no setup costs and no regular on-going software maintenance or upgrade costs. Customers can use CourierSoft on pay per job basis or a monthly payment basis. The service embrace the latest satellite navigation and mobile technology to provide greater visibility of parcels and drivers in real-time.

CourierSoft provides a complete solution for office and field based operations. CourierSoft Office can be accessed on a Desktop PC with a web browser with internet connection, while the CourierSoft mobile can be deployed on PDA with a wireless Internet connection. CourierSoft application is based on the concept of ‘cloud computing’ a cost effective solution delivering explicit service at a fraction of the cost compared to an in-house system. The cloud computing technology coupled with secure software application provides around the clock access to your business from any part of the globe with an Internet connection. CourierSoft ensures the business data is backed up to eliminate any ambiguity where Data security is crucial to any successful business operation.

Support and Services

CourierSoft Demonstration

Please register for an online demo to experience the features of CourierSoft applications. Register now!

CourierSoft Free Trial

No downloads. No software to install. Register now and for 3 months you’ll have full access to all the features and capabilities of the leading courier business management system. See for yourself why our users love CourierSoft.

Getting started with CourierSoft

With no hardware or software to install you can be up and running in just hours and benefiting from a positive impact on your business. We provide training and can help you manage the process of initial system set-up, data migration and customising reports to meet your requirements.

CourierSoft Support

Once you are up and running, we are always on hand with advice and support. CourierSoft comes with a detailed help feature and an extensive knowledge base for you to explore. If you can’t find what you are looking for, email us your questions anytime or pick up the phone and speak to our support team during office hours.