Data Protection & Privacy Policy

Data Protection & Privacy Policy Statement

We are committed to complying with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 (UK DPA) and DPPEC (Data Protection, Privacy and Electronic Communications (Amendment Etc.) (EU Exit)) Regulations 2019 and are registered as a data processor (Registration Number ZA024816). Under the principles data we will ensure that personal data held will be:

  • Fairly and lawfully processed – for limited purposes
  • Adequate, relevant, accurate, secure and not excessive or kept longer than necessary.
  • Processed in line with the data subject’s rights.
  • Not transferred to countries outside the UK without adequate protection.
Individuals are entitled to seek compensation through the courts if they have suffered damage, or damage and distress because of any contravention of the requirements of the UK regulations.

The arrangements attached to this policy statement define how we meet the requirements of UK regulations. These arrangements apply to data we hold on employees and data that may be uploaded by our customers on our software.

The software we provide includes:

  • Courier Soft – may include names and addresses
  • Patient Transport – may include name, address, pick up locations, NHS number. No medical or further personal data.
  • Hospital Logistics – this is delivery software between hospital departments. There is no personal information held
  • Technical Logistics (Cubic TS). No personal information held. Handheld devices provided to employees fitted with Asavie Mda that prevents access to other software creating potential risks.